
PhD thesis

My PhD thesis is entitled Physics-based turbulence models for large-eddy simulation. I defended this thesis in public on October 9, 2020.


During my PhD, I focused on improving turbulence models for large-eddy simulations of incompressible flows.

In particular, I devised a framework of constraints for the construction of physics-based subgrid-scale models.

I also worked on a new subgrid-scale model for rotating turbulent flows.

See Projects for all my projects.

Selected publications

  1. Silvis, M. H. (2020). “Physics-based turbulence models for large-eddy simulation: Theory and application to rotating turbulent flows”. PhD thesis. University of Groningen, The Netherlands. DOI: 10.33612/diss.133469979. Abstract PDF BibTeX BibLaTeX

  2. Silvis, M. H., Bae, H. J., Trias, F. X., Abkar, M., Verstappen, R. (2019). “A nonlinear subgrid-scale model for large-eddy simulations of rotating turbulent flows”. arXiv: 1904.12748 [physics.flu-dyn]. Abstract PDF BibTeX BibLaTeX Cited by 2+

  3. Silvis, M. H., Remmerswaal, R. A., Verstappen, R. (2017). “Physical consistency of subgrid-scale models for large-eddy simulation of incompressible turbulent flows”. Physics of Fluids 29, 015105. DOI: 10.1063/1.4974093. Abstract PDF BibTeX BibLaTeX Cited by 34+

See Publications for all my publications.


Journal publications: 4
Preprints: 2
Conference proceedings: 5

Citations: 99+
Citations excluding self-citations: 69+

h-index: 5
h-index excluding self-citations: 4+

Citation details

Selected presentations

  1. Silvis, M. H., Verstappen, R. (2017). “A new turbulence model for large-eddy simulations of rotating flows”. International Workshop on Complex Turbulent Flows, Tangier, Morocco, November 27–28, 2017. Abstract PDF BibTeX BibLaTeX

  2. Silvis, M. H., Verstappen, R. (2018). “Symmetry constraints for the modeling and numerical simulation of turbulent flows”. Symmetry and Computation, Marseille, France, April 3–7, 2018. Abstract PDF BibTeX BibLaTeX

See Presentations for all my presentations.